eLife Workshop


Monday 13 September 2021
2.30pm – 6.00pm AWST | 7.30am – 11.00am BST

Zoom Registration Link

Created as a webinar initially so we can cap registrations; we will convert it to a Zoom meeting beforehand in order to have breakout rooms and interactivity.

    Event Description


    eLife at The Biodiversity Conference | Publishing Workshop

    Short Statement

    eLife editors are hosting an interactive workshop focused on the mechanisms of peer reviewing preprints at eLife and introducing our “publish, then review” model of publishing.


    Join eLife editors for a 3.5 hour workshop dedicated to giving attendees a hands-on experience of eLife’s new “publish, then review” model of publishing along with an introduction to how peer reviewing preprints works at eLife. The workshop will take place September 13, 2.30pm-6pm AWST and will be hosted via Zoom.

    eLife is a non-profit organisation with a mission to accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognises the most responsible behaviours. Aiming to publish work of the highest standards and importance in all areas of biology and medicine, eLife also explores creative new ways to improve how research is assessed and published.

    The workshop will be hosted by eLife Deputy Editor, Anna Akhmanova, of Utrecht University and eLife Senior Editor, Meredith Schuman, of the University of Zurich and includes presentations from the editors about eLife, the role of reviewers in the new era of “publish, then review”, small group discussions, and Q&A. The workshop will be part of the programme for The Biodiversity Conference 2021, taking place September 15-17th in Perth, Australia. eLife is partnering with the conference which will bring together researchers and practitioners across academia, government, industry and community to share scientific knowledge, biodiversity informatics and best practice in biodiversity conservation.

    The event is only open to attendees of The Biodiversity Conference and space is limited.

    The workshop will have live transcription provided by otter.ai, please email events@elifesciences.org if you have any further accessibility requirements.

    eLife is committed to providing a safe and welcoming experience for everyone. Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with our Code of Conduct – all event attendees are expected to abide by it.


    Anna Akhmanova

    eLife Deputy Editor, Utrecht University, Netherlands

    Anna Akhmanova is a Professor of Cell Biology at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. She studied biochemistry and molecular biology at the Moscow State University and obtained her PhD at the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Akhmanova studies cytoskeletal organization and trafficking processes, which contribute to cell polarization, differentiation, vertebrate development and human disease. The main focus of the work in her group is the microtubule cytoskeleton. Research in the group relies on combining high-resolution live cell imaging and quantitative analysis of cytoskeletal dynamics with in vitro reconstitution experiments. Her work has resulted in identification and characterization of a broad variety of factors which control microtubule organization and dynamics and motor attachment to membrane organelles. Anna Akhmanova is an elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

    Meredith Schuman

    eLife Senior Editor, University of Zurich, Switzerland

    Meredith Schuman (Merry) is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich in the Department of Chemistry and the Remote Sensing Laboratories in the Department of Geography, and part of the University Research Priority Program on Global Change and Biodiversity. She works on projects combining direct analyses of plant tissue, and remote sensing techniques with the aim of developing remote sensing approaches to assess genetic and chemotypic variation, plasticity, and adaptive potential within plant species and their interactions in the context of global change. Before that, she was a Group Leader in the Department of Molecular Ecology at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology (MPICE) in Jena, Germany, and for part of that time she was also an affiliated Junior Group Leader at the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). She conducted her PhD research based in the Department of Molecular Ecology, MPICE, for which she was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society, and obtained her degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. Prior to her PhD, she came as a Fulbright Research Scholar to the Department of Molecular Ecology of the MPICE after completing a Bachelors of Science in Molecular Biology (major) and Philosophy (minor) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, including two semesters studying abroad at the University of Warwick, funded in part by a UW-Madison honors scholarship. Her background is in the chemical ecology and functional genetics of plant interactions, and plant ecophysiology.


    Join the conversation online with the conference hashtag: #TheBioCon

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    Conference Convenor
    Susan Marie, UWA

    Registration Queries
    Julie Jerbic
    Watermark Events

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